journal publications
We follow the principles of "reproducible research" (RR), with the idea that the final product is the published paper together with the code, data and anything else that went into producing that paper. You may find more information about RR in the references below and at our RR site. Our papers following the principles of RR have an RR compendium attached to them; when you click on the title, it will take you to the rrc page.
[submitted | 2016- | 2011-2015 | 2006-2010 | 2001-2005 | 1996-2000 | 1990-1995 | guest editorials ]
- R. Varma, H. Lee, J. Kovačević, and Y. Chi. Vector-Valued Graph Trend Filtering with Non-Convex Penalties. arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.12692, May. 2019. [code]
- R. Varma, and J. Kovačević. Sampling and Recovering Signals on Product Graphs. arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.10049, Nov. 2018
- S. Chen, A. Singh, and J. Kovačević. Multiresolution Representations for Piecewise-Smooth Signals on Graphs. arXiv preprint, arXiv:1803.02944 [eess.SP], 2017.
- M. T. McCann, M. C. Fickus, and J. Kovačević. Fourier series of kernel density estimates for rotation invariant angular distribution estimation. 2016. Preprint.
- S. Chen, T. Li, R. Varma, A. Singh, and J. Kovačević. Signal representations on graphs: Tools and applications. IEEE Trans. Signal Process., Mar. 2016. Submitted.
[submitted | 2016- | 2011-2015 | 2006-2010 | 2001-2005 | 1996-2000 | 1990-1995 | guest editorials ]
- J. Liu, S. Chen, G. Lederman, D. Kramer, H.Y. Noh, J. Bielak, J. Garrett, J. Kovačević, and M. Berges, "Dynamic responses, GPS positions and environmental conditions of two light rail vehicles in Pittsburgh" Scientific Data, 2019.
- Y. Yang, S. Chen, M. A. Maddah-Ali, P. Grover, S. Kar, and J. Kovačević. Fast Temporal Path Localization on Graphs via Multiscale Viterbi Decoding, IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 66(21): 5588–5603, Nov 2018.
- M. Mangia, F. Pareschi, R. Varma, R. Rovatti, J. Kovačević, and G. Setti. Rakeness-Based Compressed Sensing of Multiple-Graph Signals for IoT Applications. IEEE Trans. on Circuits Syst. II: Express Briefs, 65(5):682–686, May 2018.
- A. Ortega, P. Frossard, J. Kovačević, J. M. F. Moura, and P. Vandergheynst. Graph signal processing. Proc. IEEE, 106(5):1558–2256, May 2018.
- S. Chen, D. Tian, C. Feng, A. Vetro, and J. Kovačević. Fast resampling of 3D point clouds via graphs. IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 66(3):666–681, Feb. 2018.
- G. Lederman, S. Chen, J. Garrett, J. Kovačević, H. Noh, and J. Bielak. A data fusion approach for track monitoring from multiple in-service trains. J. Mech. Syst. Signal Process., 95:363–379, Oct. 2017.
- G. Lederman, S. Chen, J. H. Garrett, J. Kovačević, J. Bielak, and H. Y. Noh. Track monitoring from the dynamic response of a passing train: A sparse approach. J. Mech. Syst. Signal Process., 90:141–153, June 2017.
- S. Chen, Y. Yang, S. Zong, A. Singh, and J. Kovačević. Detecting localized categorical attributes on graphs. IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 65(10): 2725–2740, May 2017.
- F. Condessa, J. Bioucas-Dias, and J. Kovačević. Performance measures for classification systems with rejection. Pattern Recogn., 63:437–450, Mar. 2017.
- G. Lederman, S. Chen, J. Garrett, J. Kovačević, H. Y. Noh, and J. Bielak. Track-monitoring from the dynamic response of an operational train. J. Mech. Syst. Signal Process., 87:1–16, Mar. 2017..
- F. Condessa, J. Bioucas-Dias, and J. Kovačević. Performance measures for classification systems with rejection. Pattern Recogn., 2016.
- G. Lederman, S. Chen, J. H. Garrett, J. Kovačević, J. Bielak, and H. Y. Noh. Track monitoring from the dynamic response of a passing train: a sparse approach. Mech. Syst. Signal Process., 2016.
- S. Chen, R. Varma, A. Singh, and J. Kovačević. Signal recovery on graphs: Fundamental limits of sampling strategies. IEEE Trans, Signal and Inform. Process. over Networks, 2(4):1-16, Dec. 2016.
- F. Condessa, J. Bioucas-Dias, and J. Kovačević. Supervised hyperspectral image classification with rejection. IEEE J. Sel. Topics App. Earth Obs. Remote Sens., 9(6):2321-2332, June 2016.
[submitted | 2016- | 2011-2015 | 2006-2010 | 2001-2005 | 1996-2000 | 1990-1995 | guest editorials ]
- S. Chen, R. Varma, A. Sandryhaila, and J. Kovačević. Discrete signal processing on graphs: Sampling theory. IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 63(24):6510-6523, Dec. 2015. 2018 IEEE SPS Young Author Best Paper Award.
- S. Chen, A. Sandryhaila, J. M. F. Moura, and J. Kovačević. Signal recovery on graphs: Variation minimization. IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 63(17):460-4624, Sept. 2015.
- M. T. McCann, J. A. Ozolek, C. A. Castro, B. Parvin, and J. Kovačević. Automated histology analysis: Opportunities for signal processing. IEEE Signal Process. Mag., 32(1):78-87, Jan. 2015.
- R. Bhagavatula, M. T. McCann, M. C. Fickus, C. A. Castro, J. A. Ozolek, and J. Kovačević. A vocabulary for the identification of teratoma tissue in H&E-stained samples. J. Pathol. Inform., 5(19), June 2014.
- S. Chen, F. Cerda, P. Rizzo, J. Bielak, J. H. Garrett, and J. Kovačević. Semi-supervised multiresolution classification using adaptive graph filtering with application to indirect bridge structural health monitoring. IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 62(11):2879-2893, June 2014.
- F. Cerda, S. Chen, J. Bielak, J. H. Garrett, P. Rizzo, and J. Kovačević. Indirect structural health monitoring of a simplified laboratory-scale bridge model. Int. J. Smart Struct. Syst., sp. iss. Challenge on bridge health monitoring utilizing vehicle-induced vibrations, 13(5):849-868, May 2014.
- M. T. McCann, D. G. Mixon, M. C. Fickus, C. A. Castro, J. A. Ozolek, and J. Kovačević. Images as occlusions of random textures: A framework for segmentation. IEEE Trans. Image Process., 23(5):2033-2046, May 2014.
- A. Kuruvilla, N. Shaikh, A. Hoberman, and J. Kovačević. Automated diagnosis of otitis media: A vocabulary and grammar. Int. J. Biomed. Imag., sp. iss. Computer Vis. Image Process. for Computer-Aided Diagnosis, Aug. 2013.
- M. L. Massar, R. Bhagavatula, M. C. Fickus and J. Kovačević. Local histograms and image occlusion models. Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., 34(3):469-487, May 2013.
- D. C. Balcan, G. Srinivasa, M. C. Fickus and J. Kovačević. Guaranteeing convergence of iterative skewed voting algorithms for image segmentation. Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., 33(2):300-308, Sept. 2012.
- A. Sandryhaila, J. Kovačević and M. Püschel. Algebraic signal processing theory: 1-D nearest-neighbor models. IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 60(5):2247-2259, May 2012.
- A. Sandryhaila, S. Saba, M. Püschel and J. Kovačević. Efficient Compression of QRS Complexes Using Hermite Expansion. IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 60(2):947-955, Feb. 2012.
- C. Jackson, E. Glory-Afshar, R. F. Murphy and J. Kovačević. Model building and intelligent acquisition with application to protein subcellular location classification. Bioinformatics, 27(13):1854-1859, May 2011.
- A. Sandryhaila, J. Kovačević and M. Püschel. Algebraic signal processing theory: Cooley-Tukey type algorithms for polynomial transforms based on induction. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 32(2):364-384, 2011.
[submitted | 2016- | 2011-2015 | 2006-2010 | 2001-2005 | 1996-2000 | 1990-1995 | guest editorials ]
- A. Sandryhaila, A. Chebira, C. Milo, J. Kovačević and M. Püschel. Systematic construction of real lapped tight frame transforms. IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 58(5):2556-2567, May 2010.
- J. Kovačević and M. Püschel. Algebraic signal processing theory: Sampling for infinite and finite 1-D space. IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 58(1):242-257, Jan. 2010.
- C. Jackson, R. F. Murphy and J. Kovačević. Intelligent acquisition and learning of fluorescence microscope data models. IEEE Trans. Image Process., 18(9):2071-2084, Sept. 2009.
- G. Srinivasa, M. C. Fickus, Y. Guo, A. D. Linstedt and J. Kovačević. Active mask segmentation of fluorescence microscope images. IEEE Trans. Image Process., 18(8):1817-1829, Aug. 2009.
- A. Chebira, M. C. Fickus and J. Kovačević. Classifying compact sets with frames. Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., 27(1):73-86, July 2009.
- P. Vandewalle, J. Kovačević and M. Vetterli. Reproducible research in signal processing: What, why and how. IEEE Signal Process. Mag., 26(3):37-47, May 2009.
- J. Kovačević and A. Chebira. An Introduction to frames. Found. Trends Signal Process., 2(1):1-94, 2008.
- J. Kovačević and A. Chebira. Life beyond bases: The advent of frames (Part II). IEEE Signal Process. Mag., 24(5):115-125, Sept. 2007.
- J. Kovačević and A. Chebira. Life beyond bases: The advent of frames (Part I). IEEE Signal Process. Mag., 24(4):86-104, July 2007.
- A. Chebira, Y. Barbotin, C. Jackson, T. E. Merryman, G. Srinivasa, R. F. Murphy and J. Kovačević. A multiresolution approach to automated classification of protein subcellular location images. BMC Bioinformatics, 8(210), 2007.
- J. Zhou, M. N. Do and J. Kovačević. Special paraunitary matrices, Cayley transforms, and multidimensional orthogonal filter banks. IEEE Trans. Image Process., 15(2):511-519, Feb. 2006.
[submitted | 2016- | 2011-2015 | 2006-2010 | 2001-2005 | 1996-2000 | 1990-1995 | guest editorials ]
- T. E. Merryman and J. Kovačević. An adaptive multirate algorithm for acquisition of fluorescence microscopy data sets. IEEE Trans. Image Process., sp. iss. Molecular Cellular Bioimaging, 14(9):1246-1253, Sept. 2005.
- G. Schuller, J. Kovačević, F. Masson and V. K. Goyal. Robust low delay audio coding using multiple descriptions. IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Process., 13(5):1014-1024, Sept. 2005.
- J. Zhou, M. N. Do and J. Kovačević. Multidimensional orthogonal filter bank characterization and design using the Cayley transform. IEEE Trans. Image Process., 14(6):760-769, June 2005.
- P. H. Hennings-Yeomans, J. Thornton, J. Kovačević and B. V. K. V. Kumar. Wavelet packet correlation methods in biometrics. Appl. Opt., sp. iss. Biometric Recogn. Syst., 44(5):637-646, Feb. 2005.
- P. G. Casazza and J. Kovačević. Equal-norm tight frames with erasures. Adv. Comput. Math., sp. iss. Frames, 18(2-4):387-430, Feb. 2003.
- J. Kovačević, P. L. Dragotti and V. K. Goyal. Filter bank frame expansions with erasures. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, sp. iss. Honor Aaron D. Wyner, 48(6):1439-1450, June 2002.
- V. K. Goyal, J. A. Kelner and J. Kovačević. Multiple description vector quantization with a coarse lattice. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 48(3):781-788, Mar. 2002.
- V. K. Goyal and J. Kovačević. Generalized multiple description coding with correlated transforms. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 47(6):2199-2224, Sept. 2001.
- V. K. Goyal, J. Kovačević and J. A. Kelner. Quantized frame expansions with erasures Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., 10(3):203-233, May 2001.
[submitted | 2016- | 2011-2015 | 2006-2010 | 2001-2005 | 1996-2000 | 1990-1995 | guest editorials ]
- R. Bernardini and J. Kovačević. Designing local orthogonal bases on finite groups II: Nonabelian case. J. Fourier Anal. Appl., 6(2):207-231, Sept. 2000.
- R. Bernardini and J. Kovačević. Designing local orthogonal bases on finite groups I: Abelian case. J. Fourier Anal. Appl., 6(1):1-23, Sept. 2000.
- R. Arean, J. Kovačević and V. K. Goyal. Multiple description perceptual audio coding with correlated transforms. IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Process., 8(2):140-145, Mar. 2000.
- J. Kovačević and W. Sweldens. Wavelet families of increasing order in arbitrary dimensions. IEEE Trans. Image Process., 9(3):480-496, Mar. 2000.
- A. Mojsilović, J. Kovačević, D. A. Kall, R. J. Safranek and K. Ganapathy. The vocabulary and grammar of color patterns. IEEE Trans. Image Process., 9(3):417-431, Mar. 2000.
- A. Mojsilović, J. Kovačević, J. Hu, R. J. Safranek and K. Ganapathy. Matching and retrieval based on the vocabulary and grammar of color patterns. IEEE Trans. Image Process., sp. iss. Image Video Process. Digit. Libraries, 9(1):38-54, Jan. 2000.
- R. Bernardini and J. Kovačević. Arbitrary tilings of the time-frequency plane using local bases. IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 47(8):2293-2304, Aug. 1999.
- J. Kovačević and M. Vetterli. Image transforms. IEEE Signal Process. Mag., 15(2):28-29, Mar. 1998.
- B. Girod, R. Gray, J. Kovačević and M. Vetterli. Image and video coding. IEEE Signal Process. Mag., 15(2):40-46, Mar. 1998.
- J. Kovačević. Local cosine bases in two dimensions. IEEE Trans. Image Process., 6(11):1580-1583, Nov. 1997.
- J. Kovačević R. J. Safranek and E. M. Yeh. Deinterlacing by successive approximation. IEEE Trans. Image Process., 6(2):339-344, Feb. 1997.
- R. Bernardini and J. Kovačević. Local orthogonal bases II: Window design. Multidim. Syst. Signal Process., sp. iss. Wavelets Multiresolution Signal Process., 7(4):371-400, July 1996.
- R. Bernardini and J. Kovačević. Local orthogonal bases I: Construction. Multidim. Syst. Signal Process., sp. iss. Wavelets Multiresolution Signal Process., 7(4):331-370, July 1996.
- A. Cohen and J. Kovačević. Wavelets: A mathematical background. Proc. IEEE, 84(4):514-522, Apr. 1996.
[submitted | 2016- | 2011-2015 | 2006-2010 | 2001-2005 | 1996-2000 | 1990-1995 | guest editorials ]
- J. Kovačević and M. Vetterli. Nonseparable two- and three-dimensional wavelets. IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 43(5):1269-1273, May 1995.
- J. Kovačević. Subband coding systems incorporating quantizer models. IEEE Trans. Image Process., 4(5):543-553, May 1995.
- C. Herley, J. Kovačević, K. Ramchandran and M. Vetterli. Tilings of the time-frequency plane: Construction of arbitrary orthogonal bases and fast tiling algorithms. IEEE Trans. Signal Process., sp. iss. Wavelets Signal Process., 41(12):3341-3359, Dec. 1993.
- J. Kovačević and M. Vetterli. Perfect reconstruction filter banks with rational sampling factors. IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 41(6):2047-2060, June 1993.
- J. Kovačević and M. Vetterli. FCO sampling of digital video using perfect reconstruction filter banks. IEEE Trans. Image Process., 2(1):118-122, Jan. 1993.
- J. Kovačević and M. Vetterli. Nonseparable multidimensional perfect reconstruction filter banks and wavelet bases for Rn. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, sp. iss. Wavelet Transforms Multiresolution Signal Anal., 38(2):533-555, Mar. 1992.
- J. Kovačević and M. Vetterli. The commutativity of up/downsampling in two dimensions. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 37(3):695-698, May 1991.
- M. Vetterli, J. Kovačević and D. J. LeGall. Perfect reconstruction filter banks for HDTV representation and coding. Image Commun. J., sp. iss. HDTV, 2(3):349-364, Oct. 1990.
guest editorials
- A. M. Barrutia, J. Kovačević, M. Kozubek, E. Meijering, and B. Parvin. Quantitative bioimaging: Signal processing in light microscopy. IEEE Signal Process. Mag., 32(1):18-19, Jan. 2015.
- J. Kovačević and R. F. Murphy. Molecular and cellular bioimaging. IEEE Signal Process. Mag., 22(3):19, May 2006.
- J. Kovačević and M. Vetterli. Transform coding: Past, present and future. IEEE Signal Process. Mag., 18(5):6, Sept. 2001.
- J. Kovačević and I. Daubechies. Scanning the special issue on wavelets. Proc. IEEE, 84(4):514-522, Apr. 1996.